These are a couple of my favorite products that I absolutely love and probably has made my life a little easier. Here's my list:
Fisher Price Bouncer - "how now brown cow"
This has given us a couple of more minutes of "me time." We place Jacob on the bouncy when we are either gathering his diaper bag; picking up the kitchen, bedrooms, or living room; using the computer; working on lesson plans; playing video games (the hubby); or just to get a break from JC's hyper days.
Fisher Price Luv U Zoo Swing
Whenever Jacob is too cranky or just for fun, we place him on this swing. He loves the little zoo animals that are rotating above him. You can rotate the swing portion 3 different ways. It can move from side to side or back and forth. It also has different sound settings with songs and outside cricket noises. When he is extremely tired he'll knock out on the swing.
Palmolive Ultra Baby Bottles, Toy and Dish Wash Liquid
We use this to wash his bottles, bottle nipples, pacifiers and teething toys. Smells very nice and doesn't leave an "after-smell" on nipples.
Little Noses Saline Spray/Drops for Dry for Stuffy Noses
Jacob has been stuffy since the day he was born. Dr. Patel suggested we use "Little Noses" to suction out his mucus. We simply place 2-3 drops in each nostril and suction out his mucus with a suction-ma-jig-thingy. This product is non-medicated, so we were told to use as much as needed. Poor JC, he really gets irritated when he can't breath through his nose while drinking his bottle, he'll get frustrated, which turns to a full blown cry. Once we take out all the bad, slimy, boogers out, he is a happy camper again. Love this product!
Bestever Giraffe Infant Play Mat
This was given to Jacob from our neighbor back in Cali, Tym (thank you!!) JC likes to hang out on this play mat. He takes most of his naps on the giraffe. It's so soft, I wish it was big enough for me to sleep on. Jacob is SO lucky to get to sleep on this!