Monday, July 25, 2011

My chill bebe

I am CRAZY when it comes to taking pictures of Jacobo aka the Beast. I mean, C'mon, this boy is so freakin cute!!! I'm not saying this because he's MY son, but look at him, he truly is ADORABLE! Being a Parent has become rather. EASY. Sure, Jacob still gets fussy when its about that time to feed him. Or when he becomes extremely bored after an hour and half.  But we got the hang of this. Parenthood comes so natural to us. Shoooot. We could easily have another baby. HA! Sike! Ok I wouldn't go that far. Honestly, Jacob is very mellowed out. He's quiet most of the time, except for when he's playing with Lester. He laughs hysterically, its quite funny. I can place him on the bouncy for awhile until I get some things done. He'll just sit there, babble and bounce himself. He smiles at almost EVERYONE that smiles at him. He wakes up once a night for feedings. He'll EVEN sleep in LATE with us, which is AWESOME!!! Jacob is a GOOD baby and I'm loving every part of being a Mommy!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Our trip to California was fun and relaxing. We didn't do much since we were staying at my moms and because we had Jacob. We went to the beach and JC was mesmerized. He sure is a beach baby. We walked along the shore line and got our feet wet. We laid out and enjoyed the sounds of the waves. JC got his very first haircut by my step dad. My mamma held him while he shaved it off. He did very well, but when it came to shaving the back part of his head, he became very fussy.

 Jacob also went into the pool for the very first time. He loves the water. On 4th of July we also went to the beach and had a little picnic. Once the sun settled in the fireworks hit the sky.

Thursday, July 14, 2011


My Jacoby fell asleep thinking. He's so SMART!!!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Mytubo App. from Android

I absolutely LOVE this app. I am completely obsessed…OBSESSED! Combining this app with a momma who is constantly taking pictures of her son, you get WAAAAY too many pictures to count. I take an excessive amount of phone pictures because it’s the only “quick” device I have with me at all times. Jacob’s smiling..snap! Jacob’s sleeping…snap! Jacob’s flying…snap! Jacob has a booger…snap! HA! I enjoy documenting our family life and things I heart through pictures and blogging. So without further ado, I present to you quite a FEW, ok A LOT, of pictures I took with mytubo app.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

3 months!

Jacob is 3 months old today! I still can’t believe how time has flown by so quickly. He is growing up way too fast!  We have been incredibly blessed from up above to have such a wonderful baby boy.  Momma loves you!

This Month:
* Jacob weighs 16lbs almost as much as a 6 month old boy at his age.
* He is eating 4-6 oz. every 3-4 hours during the day.
* At night, he is eating 4-6 oz. and wakes up 2-3 times to eat.
* He falls asleep between 10:00-midnight and wakes up between 9:00-11:00 in the morning.
* His naps last 20 minutes.
* He is wearing 6 month clothes.
* He experienced his 1st road trip to California and he did AWESOME on the road!
* He loves being in his bouncy for an hour or so.
* He DROOLS all over himself.
* He always has his hands in his mouth.
* He is a happy baby; he is constantly smiling.
* He doesn’t mind being held by different people.
* He’s such a handful!  Someone ALWAYS needs to be around him to keep him busy.
* Jacob ABSOLUTELY LOVES bath time.
* He is VERY observant and is constantly looking around.
* He has been congested almost every day especially in the morning.
* He makes funny grunting noises.
* He has started to “fake” cry and it is funny to watch.
* He gets hiccups about 3-4 times a day.
* He makes the CUTEST sucking/kissing noises EVER!
