Thursday, July 7, 2011

3 months!

Jacob is 3 months old today! I still can’t believe how time has flown by so quickly. He is growing up way too fast!  We have been incredibly blessed from up above to have such a wonderful baby boy.  Momma loves you!

This Month:
* Jacob weighs 16lbs almost as much as a 6 month old boy at his age.
* He is eating 4-6 oz. every 3-4 hours during the day.
* At night, he is eating 4-6 oz. and wakes up 2-3 times to eat.
* He falls asleep between 10:00-midnight and wakes up between 9:00-11:00 in the morning.
* His naps last 20 minutes.
* He is wearing 6 month clothes.
* He experienced his 1st road trip to California and he did AWESOME on the road!
* He loves being in his bouncy for an hour or so.
* He DROOLS all over himself.
* He always has his hands in his mouth.
* He is a happy baby; he is constantly smiling.
* He doesn’t mind being held by different people.
* He’s such a handful!  Someone ALWAYS needs to be around him to keep him busy.
* Jacob ABSOLUTELY LOVES bath time.
* He is VERY observant and is constantly looking around.
* He has been congested almost every day especially in the morning.
* He makes funny grunting noises.
* He has started to “fake” cry and it is funny to watch.
* He gets hiccups about 3-4 times a day.
* He makes the CUTEST sucking/kissing noises EVER!


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