Sunday, August 14, 2011

I like to apples and bananas....

Jacob can FINALLY eat solids! Whoop Whoop! We got the "ok" to start giving him pureed food. We cheated, of course, and gave him his first taste of solids when we were in Cali. My Mom decided to give him some pureed oatmeal when she babysat him while Lester and I went to go eat. She said he liked it, but the worry wart that I am, I didn't continue it. We first started him off with applesauce, since he has already drank a little bit of Gerber apple juice diluted with water before. He LOVED it!! I was so scared to give him more so I only fed him a couple of spoonfuls. Today we introduced bananas and he LOVED that too!   
I am at in awe with the experiences that I am going through with him and there's so MUCH MORE to look forward too!


  1. Woohoo!! That's an exciting step isn't it!?
    He is such a little doll!

    In our sea of love

  2. YAY! I was SO excited when we could finally start giving Elliot solids. He gobbled them up from the beginning and hasn't stopped since. Hopefully your little man continues to like them just as much!
