Friday, August 5, 2011

Back to work... Bummer!

Summer vacay is OVER! I am back at work and teaching a class full of 2nd graders. I ENJOYED my time with JC. I ♥'ed every minute of it and I was dreading the day I had to go back to work. My stomach would literally turn just thinking about it. I am fortunate to have a career that let's me have a good amount of quality time with my son. I work 9 weeks and get 2 weeks off, the cycle continues until summer rolls around and then I get 6 weeks off. My husband works in a family business with his mom, uncle and grandparents. He takes JC to work with him and they all get to enjoy taking care of him. We are VERY LUCKY parents! On July 29th of last year I found out I was pregnant. I was completely shocked and yet very excited at the same time. I look at Jacob everyday and I thank God for blessing me with a beautiful baby boy.

I placed Jacob in his bounce bounce baby jungle and he LOVE it! We had a blast watching him play with the toys. It was neat to see how he reaches out for things now, its the cutest thing ever.

1 comment:

  1. What a little cutie!
    Can't believe school is already back and summer is winding down!
    In our sea of love
